Taser/CEDs-kl 07/21/2023
This training class covers techniques for proper deployment and certification of endusers in the use of Conducted Energy Device (CED) less-lethal devices.
This training class covers techniques for proper deployment and certification of endusers in the use of Conducted Energy Device (CED) less-lethal devices.
The first course towards NRA Firearms Instructor certification.
NEW 10 hour Private Security Requirements for Online Blended
This course provides Level IV (Personal Protection Officer (PPO)) training and certification required by the State of Texas to be licensed. Although you are not required to have a current Level III (Security Officer Commission) license to attend the course, you are required to receive one prior to becoming licensed as a PPO. OC/Pepper Spray […]
This is a one-day class covering the new private security requirements
Duration: 4 days, about 55 hours Value priced, this course provides the six-hour Level II, 40–45-hour Level III, and 15 hour Level IVtraining and certification as required by the State of Texas, in only four days. COMPLETING THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU:Objectives as determined by the Private Security Program and the rest of the job […]
This course provides the six (6) hour Level II, Non-commissioned (unarmed), the 30-hour basic, and the 10-15-hour handgun proficiency course for the 40-45-hour Level III, Commissioned Security Officers (armed) training and certification as required by 1702.1675 TOC, in four short days. Specific hours vary, but plan to begin at 0730 and end about 1800 hours. […]
For Level III, Commissioned Security Officers needing to complete Continuing Education (Requalification)/Recertification who have never received baton training, DPS recommends completion of Unit 10 Intermediate Weapons of the full course before completing CE training to ensure adequate training concerning batons. P3TC offers a four-hour Baton Certification course; www.P3TCus.com.You might be able to get your Texas […]
This Instructor Led Training course provides Level IV Personal Protection Officer (PPO) training and certification.
Renew your Commissioned Security Officer License with this firearm proficiency and six hours of Continuing Education course.
Finish your training requirements for the Level III, Commissioned Security Officers (armed) training and certification.