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Week of Events
OC Pepper Spray-kl 01/30/2024
OC Pepper Spray-kl 01/30/2024
Teaches legal requirements, basic techniques, tactics, decontamination necessary to successfully deploy OC Pepper Spray, what pepper spray is, justifications, how to decontaminate yourself or others.
Baton, Basic Expandable and Straight-nd 02/01/2024
Baton, Basic Expandable and Straight-nd 02/01/2024
Covers basic techniques, tactics, blocks, and strikes necessary to successfully deploy the baton.
Handcuffing – Basic-nd 02/02/2024
Handcuffing – Basic-nd 02/02/2024
Introduces the student to the use of handcuffs as temporary restraining devices for safety purposes.